Tyler Ashby

Chloe Bautista

Paige Benner
Paige Benner is a junior at the O'Neill School majoring in Policy Analysis, minoring in international studies, and pursuing a certificate in Rehabilitation and Disability Studies from IUPUI. Paige is a civic leader alumnus, has interned for the Indiana chapter of Common Cause, and has an op-ed published in the Indy Star about civic engagement.

Iyanuoluwa Simon Bolarinwa
Iyanuoluwa is a first-year graduate student studying for a Master's in Public Administration, working on International Development and Public Management concentrations. Iyanuoluwa seeks to leverage his experience in the Civic Society space to provide insights on transparency and accountability, community engagement, and leading advocacies.

Matthew Burns

Nayeli Campos
Nayelli is currently an undergraduate student at Indiana University Bloomington pursuing a major in Law Public Policy with a Financial Literacy minor. Nayelli is involved in with Latinos Unidos and Women in Law. She dedicates her summers to community service and at her local library.

Daniel Farrell

Louis Gallegos
Louis Gallegos is an undergraduate at Indiana University Bloomington, a Hudson & Holland Scholar at the O'Neill School, a member of the Civic Leaders Center, and is expected to graduate with a Law and Public Policy and Environmental Management degree.

Owen Garrett
Owen has a BA in Digital Cinema Production from DePaul University, he also earned his certification in Full-Scale Web Development from UCLA Extension, and program-specific certifications from Codecademy. In 2023, Owen was the Administrator for Absentee by Mail for Marion County. In his free time, he performs stand-up comedy, trains Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai, and spends time with his dogs Grace and Pinecone.

Jesse Gilmore

Sydney Glickman
Sydney is a third year Law & Public Policy and Spanish student on the pre-law track. She works as a Peer Educator in the O’Neill Career Hub and has been involved in the Civic Leaders Center, Students for Equity in Public Affairs, O’Neill Study Abroad, and interned for the campus Peace Corps representative.

Eva Guzman
Eva is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a concentration in the Biology of Diseases and a Healthcare Management and Policy minor. She is an executive member of Hutton's New Generation Leader Association as a Volunteer Coordinator and a UTA in Dr. Kawata's Neuroscience Lab. She enjoys helping out whenever possible volunteering at organizations around Bloomington and in Indianapolis.

Nicolle Helms

Cheyenne Lee
Cheyenne is a graduate student obtaining a Master of Public Affairs concentrating in Community and Economic Development. Cheyenne's goal is to provide communities with the opportunities and resources needed to thrive. She currently interns with Summit Hill Community Development Corporation and Wonderlab.

Maleeha Mahbub
Maleeha is a freshman studying Environmental Management and Law and Public Policy. Outside of school Maleeha is the Executive Director of Susuaville and is a member of Students for a New Green World.

Divine Ngangu

Chijioke Onuchukwu

Ashlea Raemer

Riya Saripalli

Alandra Siregar

Stephanie Smith

Sampreethi Swaminathan